Evergrey is undoubtedly my favorite band in the world. I anticipate their CD releases like a kid waiting for Christmas. I spent this summer waiting for Evergrey to release their latest CD TORN. It was a torturous wait, but well worth it. Evergrey’s new CD TORN is AWESOME!!!
I’ve spent every day since Sept 23, 2008 (TORN’s US Release Date) listening to this CD. It has been the same as every time Evergrey has released an album. It was that way in 2006 when they released Monday Morning Apocalypse.
The first time you listen to a new Evergrey CD, you always react to it like: “what the heck was that!?!”, hearing something that doesn’t necessarly sound brilliant.
Then the second time you listen to it, you react like: OK, I kind of understand what they’re doing here…”, hearing a little bit of the musical feel.
But the third time you listen to it, that new Evergrey CD changes your life!! You hear everything they are doing, catch the complex vibe, and fall in love with at least one song to start.
Then you begin to devour the entire CD slowly, as you listen to the songs more and more intently, following the lyrics, and being struck by how powerful ALL of the CD really is. Usually, all I listen to for the next 3 months is their latest CD. Period.
Evergrey’s albums are intense emotional, musical journeys that must be completely compartmentalized by the listener. By the time you are ready to move to another band recording, you have completely exhausted every single millimeter of the entire CD.
Like a fine wine. Evergrey is not LOVED on the first sip,
nor understood on the second,
but rather, AWAKENS YOUR ENTIRE SOUL on the third listen.
“…my Broken Wings can’t take me, through the Dark of Day…”
(Broken Wings-Evergrey-2008)
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