While listening to Evergrey's "Fear" from the new album Torn last week, my friend(who isn't a metal listener) turns to me and says, "why do you listen to such depressing, angry music? I don't really see you as being that kind of person."
This is a great insight and a question I've often asked myself. Almost all metal music deals with intense emotions and almost none more intensely so than Evergrey. I still remember my mother disparaging the angry, hate filled lyrics of Metallica and many of my other favorite metal bands when I was younger.
So what is it about Evergrey's dealing of emotion charged content such as fear, anger, resentment, self-hate, and depression that makes me so darned happy?
For me, I believe it is the honesty of these intense and passionate lyrics delivered among the backdrop of dark and synergistic grinding guitars, thumping kick, and driving bass lines that sells me most on the truth delivered by Evergrey's latest album. Of course none of this is entirely new for Evergrey, however, the latest album seems more refined and at the same time more honest.
My favorite lyrics are from "Fear" in the chorus where like a litany Thom lists off his fears and during the bridge/pre-chorus where he declares "if he could he'd let himself know he's okay". Listening to Torn has brought me to really question the truth of my own darker emotions and really examine the impact they have on my life. Listening to this album has helped me come to understand the positive impacts of many of the negative emotions that I feel and have felt over the years.
Given the current state of fear mongering that I am hearing everyday from average people afraid of losing their retirement savings, their house, and their job I think it is especially important not to deny ourselves the right to be afraid, angry, self-deprecating, or lost and alone. Acknowledging these feelings allows us to begin on the road to healing and taking positive actions, whereas denying and invalidating our feelings leads to more internal conflict and denial.
Remember, the absence of fear is not courage but simply denial. Courage is the ability to strive towards our dreams inspite of our fears.
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