The fourth song on our new XONE CD The 4th Dimension
is the song: TKO.
This song is a direct attack on the worldwide Al-Quaeda terrorist organization. This song asks listeners to remember images of victims jumping from the Twin Towers to their deaths to escape the flames. The song also reminds us of the execution of Nick Berg, a young American Jew who went to Iraq to help. We must remind ourselves of how we would be treated in a world controlled by Muslim Extremists.
The images of those people jumping to escape the burning heat of the flames, is a harrowing memory. I will never forget seeing them. I will never soothe the rage in my heart over that day. I also will never forget the murder of Nick Berg. I watched the full length video, where for a minute and a half, Al-Quaeda lieutenant al-Zarqawi saws off Nick Berg’s head slowly while his followers hold Nick down and chant “Allahu Ahkbar!” (God is Great!) as Nicks life is extinguished. This is exactly the treatment that Muslim Extremists have in mind for US Citizens, Westerners, and all Jews, should Muslim Extremists ever gain control of the Middle East or worse, the entire world.
We should never forget that.
I urge you to watch the whole Nick Berg execution video for yourself and then make your own decision as to how far you are willing to go to destroy this threat.
The middle section of the song details the reality that has existed throughout time, whenever dealing with the consequences for a small faction (like Al-Quaeda) who punches the giant (USA) in the nose. When it has happened before in history, the larger entity (Egypt, Rome, Russia, etc…) usually ended up destroying/killing a large population of folks who looked just like the persons who initially attacked them.
It’s almost an inevitability of mankind.
Did Osama Bin Laden think that mankind had changed that much?
He had to know, that by attacking us on 9/11, he had just sentenced large groups of his own people to death in the meat grinder of the modern war machine. Large world powers have no choice but to retaliate one hundred-fold. It has always been that way. No modern, progressive thinking has changed that. And so the meat grinder would be set up in their land, not in ours, of course. Just like the rest of history.
And their minions continue to pour into it,
believing they are fighting a Jihad (holy war) against the infidel,
all the while dying for nothing, feeding the latest large civilization’s
jaws of retribution.
So while the inevitability of the war goes on,
do not forget what Muslim Extremists have planned for you
and your family. They are medieval people.
Don’t pull any punches.
You gotta go for the TKO!
Verse 1:
It's just a question of Evil
and it's not a game.
Merely the question of Evil,
Things were never the same...
I remember them falling
I can remember them falling
from the flames...
Chorus 1:
They're gonna saw off your head with a rusty knife,
and it'll take a minute or two for them to take your life.
but you won't be prepared, if you've closed your eyes,
You gotta go for the TKO,
if you want to survive!
Verse 2:
No more a question of Evil,
Just an issue of blame,
Learned the lesson of Evil,
Now things can never be the same....
Rhy Lead:
And this is my answer!
And there is the place.
And I will remember.
Now I know your face.
So this is my answer!
And DEATH is my name.
Now you understand my answer!
Want to ask me again?...
I remember them falling
I can remember them falling
from the flames...
Chorus 2:
Cause they're gonna saw off your head with a rusty knife,
and they'll invoke the name of GOD, while they take your life.
and you can't be prepared if you've closed your eyes,
You gotta go for the TKO,
Do you wanna survive!?!
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