Man, I love this amp!!!!
Frankly, my Line 6 Vetta HD is everything to my sound. I utilize it like a painter uses his palette to combine colors to create a new work of art. There are just so many options within the Vetta that allow you to delve into new sonic territory almost every time you sit down with it. One element it is chock full of, is Vintage amp models.
From dry cleans to liquid cleans, from vintage saturation to full-on Hi-Gain, the Vetta delivers. Usually, I spend my Vetta tweaking time creating new Clean, Hi-Gain Rhythm, and Hi-Gain lead patches. Since XONE plays Prog Metal, a good liquid clean tone and a tight Hi-Gain Rhythm tone will usually fit the bill. It isn't that often that I really get to hear the Vetta show off its awesome Vintage tone abilities. Last night was a rare exception.
After XONE had finished our rehearsal, our friend Don came by the rehearsal room to test out his newly refurbished Charvel. The Charvel is a similar body style to the Les Paul and Don had a new Jeff Beck pickup installed in the Bridge position. We plugged it into the Vetta and started dialing up the great Vintage models. Now, Don is a real old school, classic rock aficionado. He saw Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, and Eric Clapton this very first time each performed in Los Angeles back in the sixties.
With Don, Jimi is God and Cream is King. And Peter Green is the Prince.
It was awesome to hear Don pull out all that KILLER Vintage vibe from the Vetta. We dialed up the Marshall JTM-45 for some "Brave Ulysses". We threw down some Marshall Jumpered Super Lead for "Voodoo Chile". We even brought out some Marshall Variac for leads. All were utilized with the Vetta Wah-Wah. Needless to say, I thought Jimi was right in the room with me. Don spent some time explaining how Clapton originally got that "weeping woman" sound from his Strat. It sounded just like Clapton, yet we weren't even using a Strat!
Needless to say, once again the Vetta delivered the EXACT tone we were looking for, and with relatively little work necessary to find it.
Stay Tuned for more about the Awesome XONE of Vetta...
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