Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Long Distance XONE Part 2

Well, it has been 1.5 years since our Bassist, Ted, moved away from Southern California. In that time, we have kept our songs tight, thru our use of Click Track Maps in Pro Tools and Sonar. Ted’s been coming down for rehearsal every 2 months since he left, and we have used the method I mentioned in Part 1 of this blog to keep the band intact. We released our CD The 4th Dimension, and we are recording our next. Logistically, we’re doing all of this in two different places, but it is working GREAT!! XONE is alive and well!

Since the separated recording is going excellently, we decided to play a Live Show in San Pedro, Ca this Summer 2009. We’ve been rehearsing separately to Click Track Maps, with Ted’s Bass track accompanying Will and Jason, and Will’s Guitar & Vocals and Jason’s drums accompanying Ted. We’re getting together again in June to rehearse for this show.

We’re really excited to play live again and we’re featuring songs from both The 4th Dimension and our upcoming CD ELEMENTS!
Here’s a video of us rehearsing in January!

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